To say that there is a lot that goes into planning a wedding, is a huge understatement! Though one of the first choices, and definitely one of the most fun, that couples usually decide upon fairly early in the process is the wedding venue. We know that in this digital age, the betrothed have undoubtedly looked through at least a dozen wedding venues online, possibly even several dozens. Narrowing down that list to a select few that you would like to see in person may have seemed daunting, but you did it. However, like everything else in life, there is a definite art to touring a wedding venue.
We know that sounds...well boring, but I promise you, it isn’t. Having a plan will help you not only find your dream venue but will also ensure that you don’t regret your choice down the road. It’s a great idea to jot down a few questions you may have, specific requests or things that you want to take notice of during your tour. Your building excitement can easily blind you to everything but the breathtaking views, the luxurious surroundings, as the visions of what your wedding day could be, dance in and out of your mind’s eye.
First things first - make an appointment. Finding your idea of the perfect venue can’t be done in a drive by or a quick glance over a fence that you may or may not have hopped over (lol!). Touring a venue by yourself is one of the most special gifts you can gift yourself & your partner! Some wedding venues only provide group tours, where you are touring the venue with many other couples. If at all possible, do NOT do this. It is so distracting to try to focus on YOU, YOUR DAY, and ask your most important questions, while you're competing for the venue's attention with other couples.
Most wedding venues will have an experienced guide that will be able to not only lead you around their property, but also give you valuable information and insight to what your day will actually look like. Don’t underestimate their presence as they are prepared to answer your questions and showcase how awesome their wedding venue is. Secluded gardens anyone? Maybe a wooden bridge with a swing?
Don’t be afraid to schedule a second visit! We encourage our wedding couples to schedule a tour with several different venues in order to ensure that they find their absolute best fit. We want our couples to KNOW in their heart-of-hearts that Blackstone Rivers Ranch is the PERFECT place for them. If it is not, we want them to find that spot. Keep in mind though that if you plan on visiting several venues in a day, you’ll want to schedule at least an hour per venue and leave yourself with ample driving time. The last thing you’ll want to do is to arrive late for your appointment. Efficiency is fantastic, but over-scheduling yourself can cloud your judgement, and leave you anxious and exhausted as opposed to excited and energetic.
You definitely want to keep a record of your appointment as well. There is a lot of information being given to you during a tour, some verbal and some paper bound, as many venues will already have brochures to share about their venue. Make sure that you have the date, time and the name of the person providing your tour as it can get confusing, especially after your 4th tour of the day. Plus, preferred vendors guides, rate charts, liquor packages, pamphlets, and other materials can come in handy in deciding how your expectations align with a specific venue. Many brides keep all of the information from one venue together in a wedding binder along with any pictures or videos they may have taken during their visit. We don’t want to burst any bubbles here, but informational tabs are not only cool, but a great way to stay organized during your search for your dream venue. It’s also important to be able to look back at your notes regarding specific questions you may have asked when you review your wedding contract. There is no such thing as too prepared!
Most of all, have fun! Visualization is everything. Can you see yourself getting married as you walk the ceremony site? Dancing under our glowing tent? Posing by the creek? We would love the opportunity to help you schedule a tour here at Blackstone Rivers Ranch, where our experienced coordinators make dream weddings a reality.

Photos By: Madison Larsen Photography