Photo by: Meg White Photography
So, you have completed your guest list, but have you considered how your guests will be able to
show their love and support for you, as well as make their mark on your special day? The most traditional
option is a guest book. You can find these in most stores from Walmart, to Michael’s, to wedding
shops. Have you heard of the latest trends? One of the newest trends is a finger printed template.
This way guests can literally make a unique mark on your day. All you need is a template of a tree or
something you like, washable ink or paint, a pen, and some hand wipes. The beauty of this is that it
can be incredibly unique to you. You can select monochromatic schemes for your ink or choose
your wedding colors!
Another option that is gaining a lot of attention is Love Letters! Of course, not the hand-written ones between two people, but rather a large wooden or acrylic cut out letter. These allow you to start using your new initial immediately! You also get to choose the size, color, and material used. This can be a very elegant look in white, or stained wood or even acrylic for a glass-like feel. Again, an opportunity to bring in your wedding colors or theme is presented. These can be found on sites like Amazon, Etsy, or Michael’s.
Lastly, one of the most elegant favorites has been a wedding painting. You can hire a painter to
paint during your reception or ceremony. This is a way to record your fairytale day and everyone
who was a part of it. This way you don't have to worry about anyone forgetting to participate in
signing your guest book or having illegible writing. With the artist stylizing it, it is a more personal
touch. It's a win win!